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Listen To My Podcast

Zengineering is the podcast I host with my good friend, Adam Kerpelman. It's super! You should give it a listen. Here's how...

About Zengineering Podcast

My co-host (Adam) and I are obsessed with the spot where modern science meets philosophy. As proud wearers of lifetime nerd badges, we have found this to be the place where the most interesting questions are both formulated and discussed.

We examine modern science and technology under the microscope of classic philosophy and spirituality, but save room to go lots of random tangents.

The theme that holds it all together is how to build a mental model of the world that informs and guides our actions in positive ways. We do our best to share this exploration. I hope you enjoy.

Check out some of my favorite episodes virtual realityelectric cars, fantasy roleplaying, and planets.

Listen on iTunesStitcherPatreonFacebookYouTube, & Soundcloud 

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What is a podcast?

Podcasts are radio shows that you listen to whenever and wherever you want. You download them through an app on your smartphone or computer, or you listen on a website. I listen to dozens of amazing shows when I'm driving, cooking, cleaning, etc... If you're new to podcasts, you should get on the train. They're groovy, man!


I listen mostly when I'm driving, working out, or doing chores around the house; dishes, laundry, gardening, etc. If you listen to NPR, then you already listen to a ton of shows that are also shared online as NPR Podcasts.

How do I listen ... On what device?

I find most people listen on their Smart Phone via headphones or in their car, but you can listen on pretty much any digital device that lets you browse the web or install apps: your computer, smart phone, iPad, kindle, tablet pc, smart TV, Apple TV, Roku, Google Chromecast, Amazon Firestick, etc., etc., etc...

What website or app should I use?

The easiest and most common apps people use are iTunes and Stitcher. I personally use Downcast. You can download any of these apps from the app store on your phone or computer. You can listen to Zengineering on iTunesStitcherPatreonFacebookYouTube, & Soundcloud ... and via every podcast app.

What are some other awesome podcasts?

If Zengineering isn't your jam, check out these amazing casts:

RadioLab (30-60m): RadioLab is perhaps the most compelling, interesting, and mentally engaging show I've ever heard or watched. I realized when I just read their website description that they clearly inspired Adam and me to start Zengineering, as their description is pretty similar. RadioLab is absolutely incredible and I'm in awe of the cast, crew, and all their guests.

The Elephant (~30-60min): This cast goes deep into everything related to climate change describing itself as "A podcast series exploring the stories, challenges, issues, and ideas related to climate change". Guests include world leaders, distinguished scientist, political activists and more. This is one of the most informative podcasts I've ever listened to on a specific topic.

99% Invisible (15-30m): Check out this cast if you love stories about random factoids. "Ever wonder how inflatable men came to be regular fixtures at used car lots? Curious about the origin of the fortune cookie? Want to know why Sigmund Freud opted for a couch over an armchair?" 99% Invisible is short and sweet. Always fun, interesting, and relaxing to listen to.

This Won't Hurt A Bit (20-40min): "Imagine a podcast that mixes current medical stories with opinion from experts about medicine, science and what it means to be human." That's This Won't Hurt A Bit. It's a mildly quirky storytelling from big hearted doctors with awesome info to share about your mind, body, and a little spirit.

The Joe Rogan Experience (1-3hrs): This cast is crazy eclectic (as are most on this list). It's a comedy show, but it goes all over the place on topics. Joe is a great host, and his guests are entertaining and informative. Great for long drives.

The Tim Ferris Show (1-3hrs): Tim describes his cast thusly on his site: "Each episode, I deconstruct world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, sports, business, art, etc.) to extract the tactics, tools, and routines you can use.  This includes favorite books, morning routines, exercise habits, time-management tricks, and much more." If you're obsessed with self improvement and testing the world around you, you won't find a better cast. Great for long drives.

Welcome To Night Vale (20-30min): This is like a creepy yet still soothing bedtime story for adults: "a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, featuring local weather, news, announcements from the Sheriff's Secret Police, mysterious lights in the night sky, dark hooded figures with unknowable powers, and cultural events."